Affixing Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet in Bridge Reinforcement

To minimize change the stress distribution of the original structure of the bridge strengthened by Carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) sheet, ensure the design load within the scope of the original structure and common stress

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet in Bridge Reinforcement

Project overview

The upper structure of Handan North interchange KO+469.302 ramp bridge on Shiyan highway is 4 holes, ordinary reinforced concrete box continuous beam, the span is 21m+25m+25m+21m, the lower structure is single column pier, double column platform and bored pile foundation, and the total length of bridge is 98.08m.

After years of operation, due to the traffic flow more and more heavy, heavy truck, and the original bridge dead load lateral imbalance appears the phenomenon of tilt abutment at the supports of the overloading of vehicles through the bottom of the box, there are several long transverse cracks, width is about 0.25mm, the new old cracks exist at the same time, the crack is still the development of.

In the various reinforcement ways of the bridge, for the cracks, the beam and floor are pasted with unidirectional carbon fiber sheet, so that the bearing capacity of the beam is improved, the development of cracks is limited, and the durability of the whole bridge is improved.

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheet in Bridge Reinforcement

Characteristics of bonding carbon fiber reinforcedpolymer(CFRP) sheet

Carbon fiber reinfroced polymer(CFRP) sheet has the characteristics of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, good heat resistance, keeping the original structure and convenient construction. It can effectively seal the concrete cracks and restrain the expansion of cracks. The characteristics of high elastic modulus restrict the generation and expansion of cracks in concrete structure, change the form of cracks, make cracks become scattered fine cracks, and improve the service life and durability of concrete components.

To minimize change the stress distribution of the original structure of the bridge strengthened by CFRP, ensure the design load within the scope of the original structure and common stress; the tensile properties of carbon fiber cloth with excellent adhesive material adhered to the bottom of the beam body surface or on the inner wall of the box girder, which participate in the original structure and a force that is, the reinforced carbon fiber cloth can be arranged with the original structure in a joint under tension, in order to improve the bearing capacity of the bridge.

Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is used to reinforce bridges. No need for large construction machinery and less occupation of site. Carbon fiber cloth is a flexible material, which can be cut at any time, convenient for construction and suitable for different structures.

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