Construction and application of prestressed carbon fiber reinforced bridge

The prestressed carbon fiber plate has the advantages of high tensile performance, light weight, good durability, convenient construction and wide application range, which has created a good prerequisite for solving this kind of bridge reinforcement problems.

Project Overview

The left bridge of Sanjiban Bridge is located in the Fuzhou section of Fuyin Expressway. The total length of the bridge is 253m, and the bridge span combination is 8 * 30m. The bridge is designed to be loaded with steam-super 20 and hang-120. The superstructure adopts prestressed reinforced concrete quasi-continuous T-shaped beam, the type of bearing is rubber bearing, and the bridge deck is paved with asphalt concrete. The substructure adopts bridge abutment U platform enlarged foundation and ribbed abutment pile foundation. The bridge pier adopts column type pier, and the upper and lower structures are as shown in the figure.


During regular inspection, it was found that there were many exposed bars in the guardrail, many longitudinal cracks, diagonal cracks and vertical cracks in the web of the T-shaped beam, and many transverse cracks and longitudinal cracks in the bottom of the beam.


Prestressed carbon fiber reinforcement technology strengthens 7-3 #, 7-4 #, 7-5 # beams


7-3 #, 7-4 #, 7-5 # beams are reinforced concrete structures. According to the design requirements, arrange a 10cm wide and 0.2cm thick carbon fiber plate on the side of the beam and two 5cm wide and 0.4cm thick carbon fiber plate on the bottom of the beam, as shown in the figure



The prestressed carbon fiber plate has the advantages of high tensile performance, light weight, good durability, convenient construction and wide application range, which has created a good prerequisite for solving this kind of bridge reinforcement problems. In addition, the prestressing technology can better solve the shortcomings of high-strength materials used in ordinary carbon fiber cloth reinforcement. Compared with traditional passive reinforcement, it can effectively heal cracks in existing bridge structures, resist new structural cracks and extend the service life of bridges.

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