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Os materiais de reforço estrutural da Horse foram usados em mais de 90.000 projetos, incluindo edifícios, pontes, aeroportos, docas, barragens, rodovias, etc.
Negative Bending Moment of T-beam Reinforced with Prestressed Carbon Plates
Prestressed Carbon Fiber Plates To Prevent The Expansion Of Cracks Of The Bridge
Cracked Bridge Strengthened With Prestressed Carbon Fiber Composites
Bridge Rehabilitation with Carbon Fiber Wrapping System And Crack Injection
Repairing & Strengthening Damaged RC Bridge Girders Using HM Carbon Fiber CFRP Strip
Indonesia Bridge Project - HM Carbon Fiber
Strengthening Bridge using CFRP Laminates/Plate
Reinforced Exposed Concrete Bridge With Carbon Fiber Strip And Epoxy Mortar
Repair and Strengthening of Old Jetty With HM-30 Carbon Fiber